All Programs are held at the Township Hall at 7104 107th Ave., call Mary at 610-316-3550 with questions or to sign up.
Casco Seniors Exercise Class - Balance & Strength - with Celia
Mondays & Thursdays 10:00am
These classes at the township hall, attended by men and women, are for balance and strength. The rigor of the class is nicely balanced by the fellowship over coffee when exercise concludes.
Cardio Drumming
Fridays at 10:15am (no class Sept. 13 & 20)
Sign up and joins us for a fun way to workout to music with drum sticks and an exercise ball. Give it a try. It is a platform for socialization and fitness and builds sensory motor reflexes. All equipment provided - just bring a smile and be ready to have some fun while you exercise. Follow along or do your own thing to the music - keep moving is key. At the township hall. Sit or stand with provided equipment and enjoy music from the 60s and 70s.
Tai Chi for Fall Prevention and Arthritis
Fridays at 11:15am (no class Sept. 13 & 20)
Tai Chi for fall prevention and arthritis is based on the Sun Style Tai Chi. Sun Tai chi is proven to have many health benefits, including increasing strength, balance and awareness, which can help reduce the possibility of a fall. It is a gentle exercise often called "meditation in motion".
Ready for a Game of Cards? Senior Card Social
Tuesdays 12:30 - 3:00
Join others for a game of cards at the Township Hall. Board games, card games, puzzles...organized around card tables in the Casco Township Hall. Newcomers are welcome. Sponsored by Casco Senior Services.
Note: No cards on February 27th due to the election.
Special Programs
Everyone is welcome, free of charge, no skill required. Please RSVP to Mary at (610) 316-3550 or via email to
All special programs are followed by lunch, free of charge.
Casco Senior Care Program Critical Phone Numbers List
Click here to download a list of phone numbers and websites that could come in very handy.
Support for Homebound
Casco Seniors
Casco Township Residents who are homebound, 60 years old or older and in need of support may be eligible for support to help them continue to live independently in their home. There are no income qualifications as these services are provided by millage dollars. Call Mary at 610-316-3550 to learn more about what is available:
Home Delivered Meals – Monday thru Friday
Essential In-Home Support Visits & Personal Emergency Response Device
Transportation for medical and legal appointments, shopping, and errands
Adult Day Care for seniors in need of continuous support – currently there is
a wait list
Senior Transportation Program
Allegan County Senior Transportation Program provides transportation for essential services, such as medical appointments, COVID-19 vaccination appointments, legal appointments, grocery shopping, prescription pick-ups, and more. Services available in and outside the county.
Registration & Scheduling:
Contact our office at 269-673-5472 ext 261 to register and schedule services...
Senior Services Programs & Support
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